Hello! So I finally received my April Bellabox!(Note: I did feel quite sad upon opening the box at first, but read on and you'd understand why I feel pretty happy about the box at the end of the day! :D )
This month feels quite a bit more exciting than all the other months. I feel that bellabox really went all out advertising! I received an email from Bellabox around the 1st of April, stating that this month's box is going to be focused on having great skin - Flawless beauty.
They did asked for a shout-out, but I do feel that there is not much point doing a shout out when I don't even know what I'd be receiving. Plus, they also mentioned sending me a box for me to try out. (Ok I think they still deducted $15 from my bank so whatever.) So I thought yeh ok, probably they're sending it out on 1st april to me so I could review it - apparently I was wrong D: - But anyway, I searched through the internet and found a lot of bloggers doing previews of April box. EG: Beetrice. And I don;t know why, but I've got really high hopes, thinking that I'm gonna get a Laura Mercier foundation or Benefit foundation because Bellabox Australia got benefit!
Waited, and bellabox sent out this month's box really late. Usually on 10th/11th each month, but this month, they sent it out on 16th April (My birthday yay.). So if you ask me, nah I'm not sure if bellabox is going to send out a second shipment like last month! No harm trying though, go ahead and facebook comment bellabox sg, and they'd answer you really fast!
Lets just stop the rambling and move on to what exactly I got this month.
2 Vouchers - China glaze 20% off voucher (Not the most worth it because there are sites selling china glaze at $9-10)
Ahava 2 for 1 facial treatment voucher - Not bad I'd say! Usually 1 treatment cost $88. So in a way, you earned $88. That is ofcourse, you'd like to have the facial done! :)
Some notes from the Bellabox team which I don't really care for... And I feel that not much people read it and follow it anyway.
Now products........ Obviously I feel quite sad when I first read this la. What - no makeup at all?! I'm obviously more of a makeup person, so I feel really depressed initially. Like, what the crap so all the ravings, advertising about what laura mercier and benefit = bull shit?
And I feel even more depressed after checking the box because they only sent me 4 items instead of 5..... Missed out the Dr Jart Pore-X bubble Foam. D:
But read on, I'd do a price break down, as long as the values of items Bellabox thrown in! :)
What I got in my box:
1. China Glaze Color Crackle Polish - Lightning bolt
2. Ahava Purifying Mud Mask
3. Kinohumitsu Collagen Drink X 2
4. Enavose H20sis Black Tea Quench Mask
1. China Glaze Color Crackle Polish - Lightning bolt; $18 for full sized item
What I got: Full sized! So thats $18 value!
Plus I really like this color! :D Nothing like this in my collection yet. But ofcourse, like I mentioned previously, there are some websites you could get China glaze at $9 - $10. So if this was the only thing I receive, I'd be the saddest girl on earth.
2. Ahava Purifying Mud Mask; $50 for 125g
What I got: 25g! So thats a $10 Value.
Now, what I've received from this box is already $28! So yay~ I've already tried this product out! :D No point doing a review when I know nothing about this right? And I have to say that I really really like it! It doesn't feel tight or anything and my skin feels extremely soft and smooth upon using this! And this is half the reason why I wasn't so sad about the box this month!
Problem with this though, is that it does not come with an instruction sheet! Usually facial mask = 10 - 15minutes. So initially, I just slap it on my face, walk around, do stupid things.... And then I don't know what happened to me, but I was like ok maybe I should check out the reviews and instructions! And to my surprise, this item is super highly rated! Scored a whooping 4.8 out of 5 points on ulta product reviews and 4.4 out of 5 points on makeupalley! Now do note that people on makeupalley are a bunch of smart people so if the product is only average, it'd probably score a 2 - 3.3 points only! So I got super excited!!! And then, I checked on instructions..... only need 2 minutes!!!! Ofcourse, I rushed to the kitchen and washed it off.
3. Kinohimitsu Collagen Drink X 2; $39.90 for 6 bottles
What I've got: 2 bottles, so that's $13.30 value!
Alright I'm not sure about this honestly. I believe that food is a huge factor in achieving great skin. But its like healthy food to me. Ie, lots of fruits and vegetables. I'm not into drinking things like this. To me, products like this sometimes is a gamble, because you never know if your body would get used to it! Plus if you lack certain vitamins etc, go eat fruits and vegetables...... I'd still give this a try though, since its virtually free. :D I'll let you guys know the effects by my next bellabox. :)
4. Enavose H20sis Black Tea Quench Mask; $ 59.50 for 50ml
What I've got: 15ml, that's $17.80 value.
This is the other half of the reason why I felt happy at the end of the day! I tried this on too. Ok by now you're like wtf you tried on ahava mask, and you tried this mask? Yes I did.... I applied ahava around my t-zone, and this all around the rest of my face and neck! :P
But I have to say this is pretty good! It leaves a very clean and moist feeling on the skin. To me, moisturising the skin well is far more important than things like - whitening, brightening, wrinkle reduction, acne etcetcetc. That is because when your skin is properly moisturized, you kind of get all the other jobs done! I'll talk more about my skincare views in a separate post though, a lot to write.
I did not receive my 5th item, so probably gonna email bellabox. Hahaha.. But even without the 5th item, I already received $59 in value for my $15 box! Apart from that, a one for one Ahava voucher! So that is a pretty good deal I think!
Anyway foundations sent to me might not match my skin! Plus I already have like over 20 bottles of foundations so what the heck.
Ok! Done with april bellabox! Moving on to march box favorites! I have 2 favorites from March bellabox!! :D

Dermalogical Multi Active Toner - 30ml sample size.
Yes~ I love it! I used to be really into dermalogica when I was younger and still full of pimples. But they get really expensive. So ever since I started making my own money and paying for myself, it gets a little heart pain to fork out around $400 for a full size skincare set including cleanser, toner, moisturizer, masks etc from dermalogical. I used the series for youths last time so I've never really tired this before.
I appreciate this a lot since I'm really busy this month. It comes with a spray so on mornings that I have no time to put on too much moisturizers etc, I'd just spray on face, put on makeup and go. My skin didn't break out, infact it feels pretty hydrated though out the day! The plus point is that its been 1 month and I used it everyday, there's still some left! So definitely a great great product Bellabox sent me. Love you bellabox!
I feel that I'd splurge on this soon! When I'm done with all my skincare stuff though. Most of you might think that the price is pretty steep! $75 for a full sized bottle. Then again if you would to calculate the usefulness of it against the price, its pretty fine. like 30ml is a $8.64 value. So a month worth of toner for $8.64 is pretty good I think!

Caudalie Pulpe Vitaminee Eye And Lip Cream - 7ml sample size.
Now this thing is a BIG LOVE. Like I said, this month is a really busy month for me. I dont get enough sleep. And I feel that this thing really helped a lot in moisturizing the area around my eyes and makes them less puffy. My dark eye circles didn't get worsen too. Plus 7ml is ALOT! I use it almost everyday also, and I still have at least half a tube left!
Now sometime for me :D
Been wearing this pretty much everyday. Ok I do change out my lip colors though. Very simple, quick makeup.
- Garnier roll on concealer
- Bareminerals finishing veil
- Maybelline liquid eyeliner
- Revlon Moon drops lipstick - Prange Flip (This color is not sold in Singapore, but there is a color from colorburst that looks similar :) )
Ok I changed out my nail colors/designs twice already! will post photos tomorrow or something! :D
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